Well I’ve had a twitter account for a while, but I’ve been reluctant to actually make tweets. I’ve been working to consolidate all of my web presence into one location (that I control, instead of something like facebook), and this is the next step. So, hello twitterers! Also, please follow me (dalehamel) now!

The basics No guide is going to be able to “teach you command line”. This post will attempt to point out the most useful commands for an absolute novice. The commands Shell navigation ls The ls command is probably the command that I use most frequently. It is a very simple command; it just shows the contents of the current directory (note: directory = folder). Some usage examples are below [crayon lang=”sh”] ls #(simply list...

This tutorial will cover the basics of creating, sharing, switching, and deleting branches. At the end, there is some additional information on the internals, which are useful to know for when you fsck something up. Note that before creating or switching branches, you must have a clean working tree. If you aren’t sure if your working tree is clean, run Git status. What is a branch? This seems like a silly question, but it is...

I can’t believe I just DOS’d my own amazon web services micro linux instance with an RSS feed reader updating every 2 seconds. Mission critical applications (redmine, gitweb), were brought down by this… Changing the update rate to 60 seconds caused everything to work fine. These instances really are micro…

This is the four tier git workflow. Higher levels are the most tested, lower levels are the most experimental/volatile. To update a branch at a particular tier, you pull from the branch at the tier above. The process of pushing code to a higher tier is called “promotion”, and is best performed via a rebase. Code promotion should only be done to signify that a feature has been tested enough to be promoted. This workflow...