This is still alpha quality, and is not ready for everyday use yet. There are a number of known issues, which have been addressed in earlier posts. This post is for everyone who would like to test things out, and help make things more stable.
Reporting problems
You can comment here, or on the plex forums. But I prefer you make a card on the project’s trello board. Just make a trello account and you can comment on existing cards, and if you tell me your trello name or email I can add you to the board so that you can make cards. You can join the plex channel on chat.srvthe.net, or #plex on irc.srvthe.net (same room) and talk to void_ptr to report problems or ask to be added to the trello board.
Setting things up
This is a dd based approach to setting up the RPi, similar to how raspbian does it. NOTE: This requires an SD of 2 GB or larger.
- Download the install image from here
- Unzip the install image
- Use the appropriate tool for your platform to flash the sd card
- Put the sd card into you Raspberry Pi
- Sit back and watch PlexHT launch
Linux specific instructions
\# Download and extract rasplex
wget https://rasplex.srvthe.net/rasplex-stable.img.zip
unzip rasplex-stable.img.zip
\#Load the image to your sd card
dd if=rasplex.img of=/dev/sdx bs=4096
\# this assumes that the sd card is at /dev/sdx, this will likely be different on your system
Once the image has finished flashing to the sd card, remove th sd and put it in the raspberry pi. You can login using the username “root” with no password. There is also another user called “plexuser” with password “rasplex”, who can su. If your SD is larger than 2GB, you might want to take advantage of the remaining space by growing the root filesystem. To do this on linux, assuming your SD is at device /dev/sdx:
\#First, delete the root partition and recreate it to contain all of the free space
\#Maybe you don't want to run fdisk in non-interactive mode? How much do you trust me... ;)
fdisk -u \<\< EOF /dev/sdx
\#Next, check the filesystem
e2fsck -f /dev/sdg3
\#Finally, grow the filesystem
resize2fs /dev/sdg3
It is normal for the first boot to take a while, especially while populating /dev through uevents. Plex should autostart after booting. If you find you need to disable this, simply ssh in as plexuser, and comment out the last line of ~/.bashrc:
(( vt == 1 )) && su -c /usr/bin/plexht &\> \~/.plexlog
\# replace this
\#(( vt == 1 )) && su -c /usr/bin/plexht &\> \~/.plexlog
\# with this
then reboot.
Updating plexht without reflashing
As bugs are fixed and features are added, the plexht binaries will be updated (every day or two so far). I would prefer to save bandwidth and have people simply update plex over reflashing the entire image.